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talk to the MODs


Registered Porn Star
And there will always be the one or two who resent them for it.

I would take issue with peacock style chest expansion mind you. stamping of authority? absolutely, but we don't make the rules, we just enforce 'em. it is a simple case of numbers.

more mods = more threads watched = more people caught breaking rules and misbehaving.

therefore it will feel like a crackdown, and it kind of is. but on a long term basis :D
Please Dusty, do not get me wrong, resentment is far from what I am talking about - My only "2 resentments" in life is my a) ex-wife milking my earnings on a weekly basis b) not taken those shares in 2003 that would have got the Aston Martin sat in my drive with me a little sooner - not this forum..!:eek::D But hey ho! Resentment is certainly not why i posted here Dusty, Like i stated earlier, the mod appointments were of good characters.

I agree a forum needs good moderation. But some things are becoming way too PBN

At this point, more mods = more threads watched = more silly rules = more silly input = breaking rules = PBN :(

Just reading through the threads as you wanted evidence showed one in particular which wasn't too cool -

I don't think that the situation with Oli from HPG was a good thing tbh, I know people might say I'm being biased being part of HPG for a while, but that wasn't too hot. Whatever people think of Oli, he has tried to keep a steady influx of new blood to the sport and putting him on the ban list, however funny it was wasn't a great move.

I think Oli made some good points which were totally ignored.

Again, he tried to put his point across and was "poo pooed!" then banned - regardless of cost, you shouldn't be banned for a whim or a laugh.

I know this is one minor point but you get the general jist?

I also know that at this point I should shut up at the risk of a) getting flamed by all and sundry b) facing a ban c) or up for BOTW

But what the hell!


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Please Dusty, do not get me wrong, resentment is far from what I am talking about - My only "2 resentments" in life is my a) ex-wife milking my earnings on a weekly basis b) not taken those shares in 2003 that would have got the Aston Martin sat in my drive with me a little sooner - not this forum..!:eek::D But hey ho! Resentment is certainly not why i posted here Dusty, Like i stated earlier, the mod appointments were of good characters.

I agree a forum needs good moderation. But some things are becoming way too PBN

At this point, more mods = more threads watched = more silly rules = more silly input = breaking rules = PBN :(

Just reading through the threads as you wanted evidence showed one in particular which wasn't too cool -

I don't think that the situation with Oli from HPG was a good thing tbh, I know people might say I'm being biased being part of HPG for a while, but that wasn't too hot. Whatever people think of Oli, he has tried to keep a steady influx of new blood to the sport and putting him on the ban list, however funny it was wasn't a great move.

I think Oli made some good points which were totally ignored.

Again, he tried to put his point across and was "poo pooed!" then banned - regardless of cost, you shouldn't be banned for a whim or a laugh.

I know this is one minor point but you get the general jist?

I also know that at this point I should shut up at the risk of a) getting flamed by all and sundry b) facing a ban c) or up for BOTW

But what the hell!
You raise good points, and in the correct manner. If I were speaking to you face to face I would hope we could conduct ourselves in such a cordial manner.

I think Oli from HPG may have taken things a little too seriously. BOTW is meant to be a bit of fun, nothing more nothing less. Oli, no disrespect intended aired his rather extreme views very vocally, and very publicly which there was no need for, when a simple PM to any of the mods would have been quite sufficient. My point is Oli may have had a valid point, however he raised it in a totally inappropriate way.

Now I personally have nothing against the guy, nor do any of the other mods, but he certainly knew how to get peoples backs up and that is never a good thing.

I don't think you have much to worry about as far as being nominated goes. I will just ban you and save you the agony of having to wait for a result :p


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
I do have an inkling of agreement with Oli to be honest. However, I think he went looking for a reason to complain about his ban, but I think the reason he came up with was pretty valid. Why pay for a service to be banned on a whim? That being said, if he hadn't paid for the service, he wouldn't have had a sig, ergo wouldn't have been banned. So it's all his fault realy. What a tool.


Registered Porn Star
Oli getting peoples backs up is a natural thing.... I think it's just his personality and his is slightly "different" but i see both your points.

I don't think you have much to worry about as far as being nominated goes. I will just ban you and save you the agony of having to wait for a result :p
Oh, you teaser you. :) :D .....and breath out, beautiful plumage ;)

Me, Cordial - As ever :)

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
BOTW isn't some new device we've created to weed out the unliked, it's a bit of fun for all the members of the forum to have a laugh at one unlucky person, and it's been here for quite a while.

A bit of fun, everyone else has taken it gracefully. :)