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talk to the MODs


platinum / lifetime member team jokers
Jan 15, 2007
bramley leeds 13 west yorkshire.
to all thr moderators a big sorry for using text words like u and 4 in my posts! did not no this was breaching the rules. still getting my head round this forum but team mates like danrandom+gassy keep me in line . thanxs andy c.


Registered Porn Star
The new mods are mostly people whove earned our respect by not being dicks, being interesting and at many times informative.

Their particular skills got them earmarked for their particular sub forum.
But don't you think that since being made "mods", one or two seem to be now opposite to your prerequisites of becoming one...?

They say that power should only be given to those who can handle it and not "wield" it... That's how respect is gained, or we may as well become Chinese and be told what we like, when we like it and how we like it... Maybe you can ban the search box...

I see what the process and benefits are for appointing new Mods (running 3 member sites myself) - I think the guys appointed are good guys but it is noticeable that there is a slight "power trip" going on here and very noticeable that there is a change of "online" character happening. Why change a good setup to a point that after reading the many new threads kicking around, people think that stating your point of view will earn you a ban, and ass licking keeps you in?


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006

every new forum description is... well... lets just see...

From bottles to regs to CO2; anything air related belongs in here...

From gloves to goggles, bags to headbands; if it's for paintball and not attached to your gun talk about it in here...

Got a problem with your loader? Post here...

Want to know whether you should by the latest marker? Need to ask if a bolt is worth it? Ask other members here...

If you have a problem with your gear, this is the place to find the answer...

Got a lot to sell in one go or want to run your own auction thread? Then do it here...

Got a problem with your account? Wonder where your thread went? Then post in here to talk to the mod team quickly...

Need a lift to an event? Want to tell someone their PMs are full? If you're trying to get hold of someone, do it here...

discuss big games, scenario games, walk-ons, stock class, pumps...

Anyone see where im going in here...
But don't you think that since being made "mods", one or two seem to be now opposite to your prerequisites of becoming one...?

They say that power should only be given to those who can handle it and not "wield" it... That's how respect is gained, or we may as well become Chinese and be told what we like, when we like it and how we like it... Maybe you can ban the search box...

I see what the process and benefits are for appointing new Mods (running 3 member sites myself) - I think the guys appointed are good guys but it is noticeable that there is a slight "power trip" going on here and very noticeable that there is a change of "online" character happening. Why change a good setup to a point that after reading the many new threads kicking around, people think that stating your point of view will earn you a ban, and ass licking keeps you in?
Power changes everyone.

Ass licking is directed towards those that have power.

That is the nature of the beast.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
But don't you think that since being made "mods", one or two seem to be now opposite to your prerequisites of becoming one...?

They say that power should only be given to those who can handle it and not "wield" it... That's how respect is gained, or we may as well become Chinese and be told what we like, when we like it and how we like it... Maybe you can ban the search box...

I see what the process and benefits are for appointing new Mods (running 3 member sites myself) - I think the guys appointed are good guys but it is noticeable that there is a slight "power trip" going on here and very noticeable that there is a change of "online" character happening. Why change a good setup to a point that after reading the many new threads kicking around, people think that stating your point of view will earn you a ban, and ass licking keeps you in?
Examples of what you think is unfair please ,short of the BOTW reactions I have only really seen rules being enforced that werent being enforced before due to lack of mods with the time to patrol the boards ..

For me personally If people think I am on a power trip because I banned someone then they obviously had no idea what an ******* I was before I was given the stick.

I really don't think that the user base thinks they are no longer allowed an opinion ..are you banned yet ;)


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
All very generic points if you don't mind me saying so. If you are going to say " one or two" why not name names?
As with any change there will be a small period of unease, while the newly appointed mods find their feet, and the rest of the users learn to accept it.

Mods are obviously appointed for a reason, it doesn't matter who they are, we have a job to do.

I am certainly not going to tell you to shut up and sit down, and the rest of the mods will openly welcome a sensible debate.