I just had my mate ring me whos an adamant xbox360 fan, asking me if he can get a swap at a local shop for a ps3 His points for getting one earliy on were very similar to all the ones FOR xbox360 in this thread, he has had to upgrade from the standad one to an elite version, but now says that online is becoming increasingly hard to play as there seem to be loads of problems at the moment, and lagging (although that maybe down to his home internet access) also the fact he has to pay per month, wheres ps3 is free. Hes heard that HOME is coming around too which sounds intresting, and the last thing for him was that the HD dvd/Bluray thing seems to be going the Bluray way, and hes just got a HD DVD drive for his xbox - so again, not impressed.
I dont really have any problems with my PS3 browser, its not crap, and i occasionally stream you-tube music vids through it at the wkend, as it goes through my AV unit, better than listening to the radio. Yeah its fiddly with a controller, but thats because i havent got round to sticking a keyboard and mouse on it yet. Also popped a 250 gig hard drive in which took all of 20 mins if you include backing up the old drive on to my ipod first and then vice versa once the new drive was installed.