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If you could change one thing...


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
cut bull****

sponsorship / support crap

kill of the bajillion events a week style of tournament organising

centralise the uk scene with agoverning body.

dont go running before you can walk and bleat to the government if we aint even ready for it yet. get something solid up for a couple of years before presenting an official package endorsed by the governing body.

more coaching sessions and coaches rewarded.

bring back fantasy league.... seriously it gave drive to players to better themselves.

find a way of instilling the drive to win and train.
cos at the end of the day if you are only winning a packet of peanuts and your BFH then why the F*ck bother!

like russell said... get all the pball big wigs in a room and get everyones ego's out the window and sort the tourny scene out.
no voting from the boards on officials etc as all thats gonna do is get the most popular person in the position not the right one.

that way if it is left to the main people in the business and it goes pete tong then we all know who is to blame.
the less people involved the better.

the PA started and tried to just this... but it was rubbished by competition and scaremongering from people who are more concerned with the lining of their pocket than they are of what is the best competition and somethign to aspire to for everyone who has reached the top of a feeder league.

hmmm this is quite cathartic!


IM AGG...my mom says
Oct 24, 2007
eliminate ramping for every tournament even though there are tournaments for ramping.

and county leagues like staffordshire,warwickshire etc so there is not as much traveling or widen the spectrum to like midlands south east etc and then have the winners play each other in a big final at the end of the year. you then get alot of games through the year and a real big laugh. thats me being a new player of the great sport and ramping is just a bit of fun:D

Jon C

Do you play with balls?
Feb 1, 2005
Whore house
one of the main things, i would do if it was physically and mentally possible would be to teach the majority of ballers ( which truthfully is very scary) a basic understanding of manners, politeness and respect.

What is it with smack talk from the kids, arguing from the adults and bitching from anyone else not in the former 2 catorgeries.

Ignore malgimation, unifcation and anything else we have to sort ourselves out first, because what ever would happen in a central league which i love the idea and do believe its the way forward, would never ever work. The majority of players need to wake up and realise we are not all ollie lang

( i realised this a long time ago and started reffing instead - and before anyone asks, no its not for the money it costs me £60 in fuel before i even start plus hotel food, and the rest of the crap it costs me money to get abused)

play for FUN that thing the majority of ballers forget about, stop the cheating, smack talking, bitching, fighting (very few circumstances) bonus balling etc etc and go back and play for the FUN of paintball. Im sure if this happened it would be make the unifaction easier. You would be able to find good quality refs, who woould be willing to ref, which without these there is no tournaments.

ideal world s**t hot refs who would enjoy doing it and not get crap - this is down to you guys the players, talk crap no refs, sort yourselves out more refs

Jonny 03

Similar to the majority (above):

Introduce an International Governing Body which actually had the power to 'run' paintball.

This organisation would:
- consolidate the leagues,
- dictate the format,
- control gun/marker purchases,
- talk to governments about paintball-specific legislation (HP air, rate of fire, etc)
- be supported by the manufacturers and be able to set guidelines for gun manufacture and performance,
- make it very difficult for new tournament series to operate outside of the Governing Body's umbrella,
- more to follow;)

In other words, go along the lines of the FIA's involvement in Formula 1.
We're on the right site for it. With PGI and some big names associated with PGI behind it anythings possible. It comes down to getting the big players to back it though, that includes the industry as well as the players.

That is to me what is needed. Everything that is built must start from the ground up and that would be a solid foundation. Its a beautiful dream but it wont happen, paintball is too disjointed. Paintball is like the wildwest, where different rules apply to different towns. We just need a civil war and a half decent president to bring us all together!

Jonny 03

I've posted this once before but find it relivant right now... It'll never happen but its a nice thought. Playing on the idea of unification and what not...

we need stable leagues covering the span of the country, an effective training facility and an organised structure for both Recballers and Speedballers alike. Rather than lil' 14 year old Junior getting his hands on an ion and lighting up youtube with more led colours than BQ's christmas department after getting 15bps dryfire on ramping we need positive inlets into the game which show novice players how to do it right from the get go. Rather than entering a tournament a week that means diddley we should be at our respective training facilities getting better. These facilities could have teams that compete rather than 'bobs aligator shack factory team' founded by lil junior and each team represents the best of that community in various divisions. You wanna compete you train hard to get into your regions training club side. National teams could be made up of the best of these teams and represent everything the UK scene has to offer in europe.

As I said, it'll never happen but its a nice thought.