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Bottle Blows Up


Feb 18, 2004
Sleeping in Bracknell.
Have now heard reports of a team who played the event having checked their systems and found OIL residue in their bottles.

This has not been confirmed however but if found to be acurate would look like another case of contamination of the AIR system like the Madrid incident was put down to.

In some ways that would be a good thing as would clear the site, fill system and player ( Nige ;) ) of wrong doing, but would again highlight the need for players to be better informed about safety issues surrounding HP air.

Laters :)

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
Have now heard reports of a team who played the event having checked their systems and found OIL residue in their bottles.

This has not been confirmed however but if found to be acurate would look like another case of contamination of the AIR system like the Madrid incident was put down to.

In some ways that would be a good thing as would clear the site, fill system and player ( Nige ;) ) of wrong doing, but would again highlight the need for players to be better informed about safety issues surrounding HP air.

Laters :)
This is not as rare as it sounds. Many times at sites i've smelt oil in the air fill.:(
Im sure Kitch will update us as soon as he hears anything guys. I for one would like to find out what a possible cause was as the last thing I want is someone pointing the finger at me.
I cant comment about oil but you would be surprised (like Tom said) how often this does happen. I have been pointed to MANY forums that have had reports of the incident on, and the first thing people are saying is "I couldn't get my fill nipple connected, so the site owner put oil on it" or "My fill nipple was leaking so someone put oil on it"
I have heard that so many times from the UK, The States and Europe. I think we need to get huge stickers on tanks and fill stations sayin "DO NOT USE OIL!!!" as I am sure so many people do not realise the dangers.


Have now heard reports of a team who played the event having checked their systems and found OIL residue in their bottles.
What does this mean? it is unsafe to use our air bottles?

i don't really know much about air bottles

and i totally agree that air training should be introduced i think freekz have someone in on saturday.

I think there are a lot of people still going to use Stako's Lump, as like has been said, the bottle doesnt seem to be at fault. I have 2 Stako's left with the Pro Toyz reg and airbourne fill nipples. EXACTLY the same as the one that went. Im not going to point fingers but it has made me think twice about the safety of using one "just in case." I am 99.9% sure it was nothing to do with the tank but that 1% wont let me put myself or anyone at risk again. Im not even going to sell them, I am sending them for destruction.
I think all of us are at risk everytime we go to the fill station but lets face it, if someone does put oil in their fill nipple, no amount of training or having a trained person to fill bottles is going to do any good. Saying that I do think EVERYONE should do the training, but you know there are loads that wont.


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
hey that was in now way a dig at yourself freaks or the air supply on site. i was mad at the Ban the world brigade who jumped on it ! without any knowledge of real events. until this is resolved by experts most were talking out of there ass. sorry mate how are you any way :eek:
I know it wasnt a dig and even if it was, you are entitled to your opinion mate :) I think we are both grown up enough to be honest with each other.
Dont worry mate as my reply wasnt an attack on you either. Big kiss and hug mate :D
I cant wait to see how this turns out either as it is me that will probably have the fingers pointed at if all comes back clear. I have thought about that possibility and I thank god I have good support from all of you that KNOW me.
We shall see mate :)
Ps. Still aching and having to put up with Jerry Springer daytimes :(