I think the problem is with this is its not very well promoted in the South. I know there are some sites that do belong to the UKPSF but from a players point we dont hear much about it down here. The insurance probably wont be valid for many of the tournaments we play but it will still help if I come up North playing this year with friends.
I know Steve doesnt make much money from doing the UKPSF as I have spoken about this to him at S****horpe when I last seen him. I have been aware of it for years due to when Terry and Liz Martin used to do it. (they used to play for us when we were West Coast) I have also known Steve for years since he sponsored us with Undercover Camo and he never used to make much money back then either as he always spent it on bringing beer for us at events

When we used to run the old South West League with Niall Squires we made it a rule that ALL players had to belong to the UKPSF to play the league. If they were not members they didnt play.