dunno why you are standing up for him...you from NQ?Considering everything was not going to plan, the guys worked pretty well to make the day as enjoyable as they could even though:
- Rats or mice has chewed huge f**k off holes in most of the bunkers
- The weather was causing problems for several markers (including mine)
- The compressor would not start (reason unknown)
- The fill rigs were acting up due to the cold weather
- About 10 -15 people left after an hour which caused the playing numbers to change considerably
- Why had rats been allowed to get to them if there so expensive
- Ours worked fine
- Why was there not air available
- We went back to our training site about 20 minutes away and ours were fine
- They left because it was SO poor.
I mean we even had to set up our own bunkers while markie c was no where to be seen.