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Lowering of BPS limits - what say you?


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
im confused *easily done*

does this mean you have to be sponsored by say draxxus or tomahawk *for example* to play the PSP ? if your shooting Zap then you have to change supplier or forfeit entering the league?
correct me if im wrong but the mills have been doing this for agas now

its simple if you want to have your paint used at the tourny you have to give a cut to the league and any way who wants to lugg that amount of paint to a psp having it on site is much easier any way


Ramstein Instinct
Sep 29, 2003
Lane Wright said:
I said that I would announce what we are doing here this week. I thought that I would have a final answer. I don't.

There will be a reduction in legal fire rates beginning in 2008.

If you do not have a board that is able to adjust below 15bps, you will need to get access to another board, or have your board reprogrammed to allow you to operate your gun at a lower rate.

PSP has made a decision as to what we think is best. We are withholding a final decision while waiting for additional discussion with industry and outside industry groups who weigh heavily on this decision.

The moment that I have a final number, I will post it here.

I would recommend that people start to do what is necessary for their guns to operate at around 13.33 bps. I would also recommend that teams start to practice at this rate.

That's what I have to say for now. I may have a definitive or specific answer as early as the first week of January. As soon as a specific number is decided, there will be a press release as well as a post on PbNation reflecting this decision.


New Member
May 21, 2004
Visit site
I just asked this question in another place .WHAT DOSE IT MATTER !!! Now we have a complete level in ROF and FPS . So now it is a matter of out thinking and out playing the other team plain and simple.


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
just a quick thought

who at the moment CAN cap there gun at 13bps and who can't (without a new board or having re-programed)

mine can :) so im happy but how much of a pain is it guna be for the rest of the world ?


Ka mate!
Jun 10, 2006
.33 bps? Are they out of their minds? Who came up with such an odd number? It will be a pain in the ass to program such a rate of fire by the user.

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
.33 bps? Are they out of their minds? Who came up with such an odd number? It will be a pain in the ass to program such a rate of fire by the user.
They would have come up with the new rate of fire by simple division, in this case it equates to no two shots to be fired at a quicker rate than .075 seconds between shots.(13.33bps)
It is a quick and easy rate to check using available technology.

The old rate was .065 between shots (15.4bps) and the new rate once confirmed will not be a problem for any programmer, it is a reduction of two balls a second and I would be surprised if anyone after they have used it could honestly say it made any significant difference.
I only hope the Millennium Series follow suit because the last thing we need is different ramp rates depending where you play.

My view is it is a good move from the PSP.



Ka mate!
Jun 10, 2006
No one says you have to set your gun at 13.33. We say that if your gun is shooting above that rate of fire, you get penalized.
I understand your reasoning and the math behind it. I'm sorry I sounded negative in the earlier post - it just so happens that my company is on the verge of releasing the first of our aftermarket boards and this influences our work a lot. Since I heard the first rumours through conversations with different people in the industry I've been trying to get in touch with you (you might want to check your PM's on this forum) and changing the way setting the maximum rate of fire works - to make it as smooth and easy for the user as possible.

I understand the logic behind the change and when we're given the necessary information so that we can program the ROF for the presets, our boards will be PSP legal from the first day of release, which is planned for end of january.


Canadian assassin
Dec 24, 2007
Land of the Igloos
Honestly, I like the 15 bps cap. I just find it more fun. One thing that I have always hated about ramping, though is the fact that the gun still shoots after you pull the trigger. So, if you are posting on someone, for example, pull the trigger 3 times (when ramp is activated) and check in, it is possible that a ball or 2 hit the side of the bunker as you go in. Not a big deal. however, at 10 bps, say, check in at that speed and half of your shots will hit the bunker. That's not fun, as well as there is always the possibilty that the paint will bounce back and hit you.
13.5 isn't bad, but anything lower and you may aswell play on semi
also, isn't NPPL semi capped at 15? pretty sure it is


New Member
Dec 2, 2005
I understand your reasoning and the math behind it. I'm sorry I sounded negative in the earlier post - it just so happens that my company is on the verge of releasing the first of our aftermarket boards and this influences our work a lot. Since I heard the first rumours through conversations with different people in the industry I've been trying to get in touch with you (you might want to check your PM's on this forum) and changing the way setting the maximum rate of fire works - to make it as smooth and easy for the user as possible.

I understand the logic behind the change and when we're given the necessary information so that we can program the ROF for the presets, our boards will be PSP legal from the first day of release, which is planned for end of january.
If I could figure out how to check PM's I would.

13.33 was chosen because we think everyone will be able to set their guns to 11, 11.5, 12,12.5, 13, 13.5 etc - but not everyone will be able to dial it in to say 12.85.

We didn't want to make people set their guns to 12 point anything. In our minds 12.9 sounds a lot slower than 13.0.

13 is the number we came to as acceptable to most, while still accomplishing our goal to a discernible level.

We wanted to add a fraction in there for variance and .33 reads nice and clean for the refs.

That's the deal.

I also think that you emailed me. I wanted to wait until the ABSOLUTE OFFICIAL decision had been made. I thought that would be last week. I am as certain as I can be that we will be at 13.33 but before we make it official, I want to have a word with a couple of other people who have been tied up with the holidays.