27th feb Wed night review
Gee, it sure is good to be back!
Having had our winter break ( God damn British weather!) it was a great feeling heading to site in glorious sunshine to set up the field, hear the compressor up and running and putting up the netting. Neil and I had fun (as you probably could tell) setting up the field to our own design, but was amazed how many people actually liked it (old dogs, new tricks? ha, we laugh in the face of pitiful old sayings!) with the odd exception I should add, I'll let you guys work them out?
Anyway, the weather was grand and considering the short notice the turn out was excellent, 8 teams raring to go! Obviously the break had re-invigorated alot of the 3 man teams, what followed was a fair, but well fought competition! As usual a great humorous atmosphere, spot on grub, good marshalling, but most importantly smiles and hugs all round, well done to all who was there and thank you.
The results:
1st. Raggy Rasta's 24pts: (a shock 0-4 defeat in their first game by Jakass, as they kept their historic slow start form running, then never lost a game for the rest of the night!)
2nd. Vudoo 22pts: (excellent start to the night, then a few kit problems dropped them some points and never was able to catch up to the Rasta's, but good to watch and only received one warning all night!)
3rd. Jakass 18pts: (what a fabulous start to the new season for the ever faithful Jakass. A mention has to go to young Singer who stood in for Oscar and did an amazing job, but all members gelled straight away and made this the best and most successful 3 man for the team yet. Can they keep it up next week?)
4th. The Firm 17pts: (a new team member for a new team at NSPA, had great expectations especially after their exhilarating start, but couldn't keep up the momentum throughout the night. They will do better, be sure of that!)
5th.= Mad Monks 16pts: ( not on their usual form, was hoping for a winning send off for the much to be missed Mr Soppit (good luck and all the best), but wasn't to be, but still laughed and joked throughout the evening, great entertainment.)
5th.= NSPA II 16pts: (Good start to a new team, will improve when the team becomes more settled, showed great promise with daring moves into the snake and the complex. Training time will help!)
7th. NSPA I 13pts: (could almost just write ditto. Some good performances through out the night, can and will only get better. Still a right laugh though!)
8th. Oddbods 4pts: (a make shift team who went for it wholeheartedly and won an impressive game against Jakass. A pleasure to watch, and some good players who just need a permanent team)
See you all next week, TTFN,