im alright thanks!
guys if you do know anything along the lines of the history of planet and any other companys such as JT, smart parts and any companys it would be ace!
yeh guys if you could send those scans of the catologes and the front pages of the mags it would be good!
cheers ED
try and look for some placs that you could go and take pictures like tournys? am shore they wouldnt mind if u asked them =pright ladies and gents i am taking my A-level graphics in 6th form and we have started our personla incestigation and im looking todo mine on paintball! (what a guess) i wanted to bass it on kit and things like that from catalogues like the planet one with the photos on the side of the page and then the kit! if anyone could give me a ahnd with links to sites or photos out of catalogues that look cool it would be great!
here are some preferences! i like the new planet kit and the design and and photo shoots for goggles playing kit such as playing pants and jerseys! anything you think looks ace would be good if you want to post them up on here or PM i dont mind!
cheers ED