So I finally read this. All I can say is just .... wow. Did I read correctly that Shawn Walker just said, in writing, that the NPPL reffing is horrible?
The rationalization here is that the reffing isn't any worse than last year, and they improved other things?
Maybe I missed it.
What has NPPL improved over last year?
The turf is better, and.....?
I just can't fathom that anyone would think it was acceptable to KNOW that you did not have proper officiating, and not IMMEDIATELY do something rectify that situation. Teams are paying entry fees to play a tournament. That means you are obligated to provide fields, obstacles, netting, air, judges, a schedule, some method of scoring, and paint or the ability to bring your own. That's what running a tournament is. If any one of those things is not sufficient, they need to be addressed as an immediate, #1 priority.
But we have here an email which states that the league management is aware that the reffing is bad, but because 'reffing is hard', has been happy to take everyone's entry fees while not doing anything about it.