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msn hacking


Active Member
I had a similar thing to you actually.
My mate came online and we always talk but he didnt so i said to them and had some person called "charley" talk to me but she said things i knew couldnt be him because he talks "strangely"
My friend has a fake version of windows which may have something to do with it but still was wierd as he said he didn't give out his password to anyone.
strange ehh?
regards Christian


The big, bad I SAID NO!!
Sep 14, 2006
Sounds like theygot phished, should be ok once you've changed the password I'd have thought. :)


Jul 3, 2007
south ireland
I know it sounds stupid but people can quite simply get your password if they know your answer to the 'secret' question. All i can recommend is changing the answer to something completely random so even with the question you can never guess...

Just a possibility though.
No they can't :rolleyes:

If by chance they happened to know your secret answer (which if you set it properly, they won't) it would send your email account a resetting form.

baby dave

Team Stealth
Sep 21, 2006
No they can't :rolleyes:

If by chance they happened to know your secret answer (which if you set it properly, they won't) it would send your email account a resetting form.
No you get the option.

Wether get it sent by email or reset your password there and then, i'v just tried it.
This happened to 3 of my friends in a week, it was a guy from a foreign country. The guy had changed all there passwords to numbers like (2575434) for instance. I was speaking to the guy and was prentending that i wanted to start hacking ( which i dont! ) . And he told me how he does it, something to do with decoding or something. And i got there passwords back ;)

And i knew it wasnt my friends also because they didnt say hi at first they just send you a random file! Bloody B*astards! I dont see the point to be honest, what do they get out of it?


Sabot Design Photography
Dec 29, 2005
UK,West Midlands,Telford
Just so you know virus's can be sent by images.

Like png,bmg and jpeg but not gif.

So if you see a jpg or similar which looks a stupid size...be wary.

If you think its not possible i know it is, im a script kiddie ;):p:D