I think this type player (and there are a lot of them) are more a symptom of our malaise than a possible reason for our present predicament.
It always made me laugh when you ask the average pro player why they think they deserve the support they get, 99% of them have won fack all, know fack all and will achieve fack all..and yet, they think they deserve it all.
They bitch, cheat and behave like kids and the irony is, they are supposed to be the pinnacle of our sport, 'ha frikkin ha', now that is a joke.
If and when the hammer falls, i think i might just allow myself a little chuckle.....
Symptom and product, and then all the novices aspire to be like em.
The majority of em think that Euro ball breaks down into 2 camps "goober punters" and them "pro". It's laughable. Then this conceited "pro" bunch think their entitled to gratis or discounted shizzle. No way, as you say what have they done????
Given that this extremely small customer base in panitball, can't be relied upon to behave in a proper and loyal fashion, why would "big" paintball business invest in it? I wouldn't, I'd sooner invest where I would get a return and bang for my buck.
If however tournament matured a bit, their might be crumbs, but not as it is. The first step in that direction would be breaking the connection between novice teams and paint suppliers and moving to single paint manufacturer events. Teams should not have bullet deals outside of genuine Pro. Tournament needs to have some basic fiscal ground rules introduced, and it needs to be pay for itself, not live of the coatails of rec / customer ball. If it was more expensive to play, you either train, train, train to get good because your serious or go back to "rec" / customer play (thus solving your previously mentioned displaced rec baller problem).