I made one today using a round plastic sledge (£14)
a webbing belt from primark (£1) for the straps
a set of £1.49 nuts & bolts from wilko's
I have a large sheet of clear perspex at home...but hey I didn't have it here.
Clear would be ideal, and thick enough not to crack if you drop/throw it.
Ner ner ner nerr .i guess it beats the cupboard door you were fashioning at last years Big Game!
Ner ner ner nerr .
I only bought this one for the big game because it's different when you have to run through a couple of dozen lanes instead of just five at most.
And I had to use it because I asked my dad to make me one & he comes up with this cupboard door thing with straps on...well it worked, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings .