Steve,this thread is to all marshalls players and organizers affected rhino is an up and coming team we try to play hard ball but it has just come to my attention that one of my players has been constantly upsetting people on these chatrooms as from today he is no longer a player of my team RHINO we are sorry if this individual has offended anybody we can only appologize to these people.
As for sandbaggers yes we have a couple of inferno players jhonboy is the coach and trys not to play but when people let you down what are you supposed to do pull the team from the tournement that would please wendy as for terry(T) he has been out the game for 2 years,will played for inferno rage he was an up and coming player and me ATTI (steve captain of rhino and was inferno rage) when inferno folded i wanted to start my own team these players dont play every tourney i have a couple of other players who were previously customer site marshalls and i am very pleased with there commitment and progression in the sport once again i can only appologize
many thanks to everybody
steve(captain of rhino)
I dont think Dave has actually upset anyone on the forums to be honest and I dont think any accusations of you sandbagging were serious. I know I made a comment but I made it completely clear I was joking.
I think it's clear from the posts made yesterday and today that the only thing that upset people was not showing for your last game and the conflicting information as to why you didnt show. Wendy said that you'd had an urgent phonecall and had to leave off early whereas Dave said that you just couldn't be bothered to play as you'd had a bad day and took a team vote on it.
I certainly dont think it's anything an apology to the team that you were supposed to play and to Wendy wouldn't fix. We play Div 4 so were unaffected by this and this is just my honest opinion on the situation with no malice intended whatsoever, make of it what you will.