i just think them being proud of leaving early is pathetic and it deserves an absolute ass wooping, i hope your in div 4 from here on and actually play your games because your going to get a hell of a lot of crap from nearly everyone for being soft and cowardly for not showing, BONUS BALL, only jokin thats not aloud
but can i just say on another negative note, if you get shot out and youve been called get off the field then, not sit there because the marshall looked away, i was so annoyed about that, i shot a guy from the snake that moved to 50, i dropped back into the snake, i reappeared to take aim on back centre and the guy id just lit up shot me when he was covered in paint and he knew he was, i screamed at the marshall who came over i said and he said that he was pulling both of us, i was not in a good mood for that despite having won the game straight after that its points isnt it.
never mind great day, good games and i would like to say well played to kitsune (i cnt remember how to spell it hope its right) and thanks that game was very fun lol i think we should have clinched it
but can i just say on another negative note, if you get shot out and youve been called get off the field then, not sit there because the marshall looked away, i was so annoyed about that, i shot a guy from the snake that moved to 50, i dropped back into the snake, i reappeared to take aim on back centre and the guy id just lit up shot me when he was covered in paint and he knew he was, i screamed at the marshall who came over i said and he said that he was pulling both of us, i was not in a good mood for that despite having won the game straight after that its points isnt it.
never mind great day, good games and i would like to say well played to kitsune (i cnt remember how to spell it hope its right) and thanks that game was very fun lol i think we should have clinched it