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Robbo - I choose you

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
Its a shame you lot cant see the Funny side from any of my posts... I Dont see why people dont Joke around ..... Its paintball... Not Politics

I must admit...Im nothing in the Paintball World.. Not even Respected... And im only joking about you know.. I understand Robbo has been a very top player and has made a MASSIVE contribution to Paintball..

But there is a seriously high amount of spooning going on , Im sure Robbo shows respect for People even if they dont Buy Stainless Steel Spoons...??

But anyways ... thats me banned... Nice meeting you all :)
well said, good save.:cool:


Demolition Squad
Nov 6, 2005
East Sussex - Brighton
Well , Had - Is ... Either way he has been making the Contribution and thats the Point im trying to put across... If you want to pick up on my Wording so be it... Sorry

For the 100th time i have trouble Writing and Spelling, But i see it is just a joking matter for most people on here..


Platinum Member
Well , Had - Is ... Either way he has been making the Contribution and thats the Point im trying to put across... If you want to pick up on my Wording so be it... Sorry

For the 100th time i have trouble Writing and Spelling, But i see it is just a joking matter for most people on here..
Get Google tool bar mate, has a spell checker...works wonders for me!!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Its alright lads, He's Bottled it :rolleyes:
Jason, let me explain something here mate because it seems you are oblivious to certain protocols and behaviours.
I know your heart is in the right place, I know you mean no harm, I also know you aren't being rude or inappropriate in any way, it's just that you have this unfortunate way about your writing.

Things like this little face here :)rolleyes:) its use is one of disdain, it's used to show cynicism, sarcasm or downright insolence and I think you aren't aware of how it should be used and so, people will pick up on this and take you the wrong way.
What makes matters worse is your spelling and use of grammar, it's not so much infantile as epileptic, bejjeezus man, it's all over the place and needs the Rosetta stone to decipher what the hell is going on.

You ask that we see the funny side of your posts, well, I got no problem in doing that once you achieve a degree of humour but as of yet, you have failed to do so mate.
What you may be meaning when you write may well be funny, but when it comes out of your keyboard, it's about as funny as a fackin funeral.

Please don't fall into Mikey601's trap and feel it incumbent upon you to respond to every post ever made, at least he has language skills that venture past that of an anvil.

Jason, sloooooow down mate, you ain't got nothing to prove here, just be yourself (within reason), pull back yer throttle and relax.............now, when you post, use the smilies appropriately (or at least try to) and re read your post a few times to make sure it makes some sense.

And even if it just makes 'some' sense, it will be a vast improvement on what you are doing now.
Take it easy !!


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
What makes matters worse is your spelling and use of grammar, it's no so much infantile as epileptic, bejjeezus man, it's all over the place and needs the Rosetta stone to decipher what the hell is going on.
heehee, have to say this post has had some cracking one liners/strings of multiple put-downs.

and jcressey - dont go on about how you're nothing in the paintball world, right now - i'm laughing at comments written because of you...see that, right there, its real potential for you!



Demolition Squad
Nov 6, 2005
East Sussex - Brighton
Im not trying to Prove any point matey, And Defeintly <<< (I KNOW WORD I CANT SPELL) and i certainly dont want to be attracting this sort of attention ... Well not if its of the Negitive Nature...

All im saying is... I was Asking if you do 1v1 's (As a general Friendly thing)

Not as in a (Im better then Robbo) kid too mouthy for his own good Challage..

But of the "for a laugh" Nature

If this is unresonable and Jumping the gun .. I am sorry and will leave it at that... But there are certainly people that agree its not as much as a big deal as people seem to make out

The one thing i dont understand Robbo, Is why when anyone even MUTTERS a word about you that in some way , Some how, Possibly may of been said the wrong way.... Why do 200 People come rushing in Protecting you and Totally Bum rubbing around...

Dont people understand your a Grown Man , Well built Pro Paintballer thats big enough to stick up for him self and host a Simple Thred... Expecially to someone Half your age...

Now again im properly wording this wrong.. But if you do make any sense of it .. Let me know

Cheers mate