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BigGame007 is GO !


Jun 20, 2006
Get Back In Your Doghouse

Any one from the south remember how :D 'TOUGH and HARD':D the north looked when we pinned them in their own base camp last year!!!

OH how we laughed while drinking tea and bikkies on the lawn of our southern Palace.:p



Active Member
May 9, 2003
Re North 3 south 1, this should actually be 2-2 since North cheated in 2004 (Drug Wars) and started the game several minutes before game on, cleared the field of most of the booty and lay in wait to ambush the south as they left their base at 'game on'. Not to mention the blatant wiping that North seem to think is allowed. On that note, i'm currently stockpiling the hardest winter site paint available as i figure pain is harder to ignore than paint. :D
These are the sort of scummy monkeys we're up against Robbo.

BTW, as you're new to big games, a word of advice: You'll need to write something into your plan of action to get the southerners off their asses around lunchtime. The only credit i'll give the north is that they seem not to eat, or else they eat on the move, whereas the southerners take at least an hour over lunch, then another hour to digest it, before they get back on the field. May i suggest a cattle prod, or similar pain inflicting device and something written into the disclaimer that allows it's use? Oh and put a guard on the exit point too, as a quarter of the southerners pack up and leave an hour before the end usually....

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Re North 3 south 1, this should actually be 2-2 since North cheated in 2004 (Drug Wars) and started the game several minutes before game on, cleared the field of most of the booty and lay in wait to ambush the south as they left their base at 'game on'. Not to mention the blatant wiping that North seem to think is allowed. On that note, i'm currently stockpiling the hardest winter site paint available as i figure pain is harder to ignore than paint. :D
These are the sort of scummy monkeys we're up against Robbo.

BTW, as you're new to big games, a word of advice: You'll need to write something into your plan of action to get the southerners off their asses around lunchtime. The only credit i'll give the north is that they seem not to eat, or else they eat on the move, whereas the southerners take at least an hour over lunch, then another hour to digest it, before they get back on the field. May i suggest a cattle prod, or similar pain inflicting device and something written into the disclaimer that allows it's use? Oh and put a guard on the exit point too, as a quarter of the southerners pack up and leave an hour before the end usually....
Lets get that right Gups
There was a false start at the 2004 NvS but the marshals stopped the Northern army and returned them back to Base. What the Marshalls did miss was one group of 6 from the North's Black Covert Ops unit whose job was to get to the border of the trenchs/killing fields as fast as possible and had taken an indirect route through the woods at full break neck pace, whilst the main army were to follow at a steady pace
We did not now it was a false start, because there wasn't any Marshals anywhere near us and when we got to our designated point we set up and waited for the whole south army to arrive. Our job was just to slow you down until the main army got there and at the time we did wonder where you shandy boys and girls were, but we did not know how far your bases were from us. When your army finally came through you were ambushed and held for 5 mins by us due to the terrain and by the time our main army turned up we had only lost 2 and your force had been decimated and the Northern Army then ploughed through your forces. Yes we had an advantage but to be honest the army we met were not organised or have any sort of leadership and that seemed evident throughout the day. When you guys organised a proper push it seems quite effective, but you just lacked consistancy and commitment.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
The more I read this thread the less I can believe I said 'yes' when Tim Taylor called me up and asked me to do it, I have known Tim for well over 15 years now and he knows full well I steer clear of this side of paintball but he seemed to be convinced I'd have fun and when he dropped the bomb that Ledz was Blowfeldt, I couldn't be seen to back down.
My initial strategy was to dig a big hole and cover it with branches with a line of pizzas and kebabs leading to its edge, this of course would have taken care of Ledz but I decided against it on the basis we just didn't have the time available to dig a hole that big.

I am certainly no expert at all this rec ball scenario stuff and so I will be heavily relying on some suvverners who are clued up and who have got a brain in their heads.
And so I will be asking any of those who are going from the south who have been before and who are either grads or undergrads (only in the sciences or maths / philosophy (NOT social sciences)) to make themselves known to me, then I will immediately appoint some of them as agents to help me defeat Ledzy's norvern bitches.
They need educating, we shall educate them that brains will always reign supreme especially when it comes to matter of mass conflict.

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
I am certainly no expert at all this rec ball scenario stuff and so I will be heavily relying on some suvverners who are clued up and who have got a brain in their heads.
And so I will be asking any of those who are going from the south who have been before
Clued up suvverners :eek:

Wake up

They lost the last 2

They are clueless :D

They want fresh ideas

And a dose of Robbo thinking

To have any chance of winning :rolleyes:


Kent Rangers
Apr 22, 2006
And so I will be asking any of those who are going from the south who have been before and who are either grads or undergrads (only in the sciences or maths / philosophy (NOT social sciences)) to make themselves known to me, then I will immediately appoint some of them as agents to help me defeat Ledzy's norvern bitches.
They need educating, we shall educate them that brains will always reign supreme especially when it comes to matter of mass conflict.
So you're not interested in Southern grads or post grads who have degrees in War Studies or Military History then ? :rolleyes:


Convicts Rule!!
Jan 14, 2006
I would just like to say this is going to be my first NvS, i regard all southerners as FRENCH as it was posted earlier that some would rather be ruled by Brussells, EURO GET BACK!!!!!!, The Might of the North will once again defeat the southern scum that is at the foot of this great nation!! Remember the cream of the crop always rises to the top (North) and the POO always sits at the bottom (SOUTH). But anyhow until the game starts will look forward to the party before and am sure the north will drink more than the south and feel better in the morning!!!!


Jun 20, 2006
I would just like to say this is going to be my first NvS, i regard all southerners as FRENCH as it was posted earlier that some would rather be ruled by Brussells, EURO GET BACK!!!!!!, The Might of the North will once again defeat the southern scum that is at the foot of this great nation!! Remember the cream of the crop always rises to the top (North) and the POO always sits at the bottom (SOUTH). But anyhow until the game starts will look forward to the party before and am sure the north will drink more than the south and feel better in the morning!!!!

SH!T Floats buddy..........Get out the mine and go to school.:p


Team Owned
me and a couple of friends are interested in playing at this event, but we were wondering if there is an age limit on how old players must be. 3 of us are 15, and one of us is 14. also, how much would you reccomend each of us bringing to eat, travel from norwich, taxi etc. accomodation is not a problem, as we will probably be camping.