How on earth did I get dragged into this?!!
But yeah - if "everybody" means MYSELF, then hell yeah everybody loves me!!!!
To keep it on topic: Yeah I actually can´t see the harm in having a lot of logos and sponsors/supporters or whatever on your jersey... I mean - conflict or no conflict - it works for both parties doesn´t it? Some players find it "cool" to have lots of logos on their jersey, the companies get promoted and everybody is happy - right?
Look at it this way - the ones who actually knows about the sport and all the different companies might think it looks stupid, but the more unexperienced players (rookies if you like?) sees the logos - and might think the people branding them look cool - and therefor go and buy stuff off of that company instead of some other one?
What´s the harm - really?
BTW: I looooove my sponsors!!!!!!!