Whilst I understand your point, do you not think that what happens on-field should, by and large, stay on-field?
I mean that, yes, whilst Dynasty have benefited from a serious error in the Judging, that shouldn't affect relations off-field? When I used to play Rugby there was all kinds of "horse-play" and "rough housing" going on in the scrums and mauls - none of which were in the rulebook (not even in the Welsh Valley amendments
), and some of which bloody hurt, but at the end of the game, all was forgiven as it wasn't about personal attacks, but just playing the game.
Yes, the Refs should have been in better positions.
Yes, Dan Perez does seem to have made some incredibly poor decisions this season (just going by internet accounts as I haven't personally attended an NPPL)
But if Dynasty and Joy can put it behind them, and not let a situation that - to be perfectly honest was very confusing and could really have gone either way (hindsight and video replays are a wonderful thing, but I'm sure that even you will agree that on your first viewing?) - then surely it is more important to take constructive lessons from this and move on rather than let a bad atmosphere develop between two teams?
Maybe I'm alone in this - but is any friend/comradeship (however fleeting) worth losing over just $25K?