I may have skipped a few pages, I usualy do, But the point of this thread is to discuss the point of paintball as a sport in this country.
The general agreement is that we need some uniformed structure to a system in order to suceed. However it is all a devotion of time. I like 90% of people work full time, and in order to afford to ball need to work a weekend, and so begins the catch 22 that is paintballing.
In order to be able to afford the latest this or that!! I have to work. This leesons the time spent with my team.
Years ago i promised myself to start taking paintballing, since i saw the picture in pgi of pete and phil voted as the worlds best and marcus led the predss to victory and (as far as I am aware had the first signiture series guns)
The fact remains evey town has its own football team and so why is paintball not as well known????
I myself am probably the worse offender and will be the first to admit it, we all seem to have time to post on a forum and sell the latest 50,000 bps gat for £20 but we are missing the point of selling what we all love.
Or is it that we all want the exclusiveness!!!!!!
And if so is that our shortfall.
Pearsonally i think what we need is (as football yeugh!! does) a scottish league, north, south, east, west, a welsh league of the same (if players permitt) a north east, north west, a mid east, a mid west, a south east and a south west type system. culmanating in a sort of best of the best at the millenniumm of that year.
And only then can it be seen as what we need, wendy organises her tournies midlands way, good ground, so is the EPA, good ground, but could these efforts be spent in other ways???? After seeing what a show warped could put on (big game 2k6) could jim not handle the middlands. Wendy the north east / west (ground permitting) syd the south east / west and tother sid scotland (including all I have missed)
Not Forgetting Mikey and his need to ball. Could he not be responsible for the welsh region?????????
Infact would it not be (flame if you want) feesable to create a kind of self
perpetuating(tm) league system where the entrance fee payed by the players was turned back to them, say the field kept x % (but still had an interest) the rest was used for toilets etc and what was left was divided amongst the first three teams!!!!!
Yes this is a eutopea but the goals are not that unacheivable!! it is possible but the underlying fact remains is "WILL THE SITE OWNERS LET IT HAPPEN"?????????????