Just discovered this thread.
Campaign in front? - you people seriously need your heads examined
I believe, despite obvious problems, that Marseille was by far the best, as that event brought in the most non-paintball people to watch and spend money in the trade area (which was then placed in an insane area).
Marseille did more for paintball, than the other 4 events combined.
Shame that Paris was moved to a ****ty location, where nearly no people wandered in to watch, as opposed to 2005.
Generally, the MS SUCKS at advertising their events to the local populace... Venues like Paris and London could have drawn 1000s of people to the trade area and stands, if advertised properly ("experience the worlds wildest extreme sport completely free" - etc.) - if they made sure all these noob paintball spectators were handled properly with signs, pamflets and helpful MS employees once they entered the venue, and if they had thought to employ an event MC who understood to make the game exiting to watch.
Being a sponsor of the MS sucks so far... you are forced to sell your product to your own customers at spot prices, you pay through the nose to be present and the series does very little to get you new trade. - Despite what people think, the Series sponsors make nearly no money - if any - from sponsoring the series.
If the MS wants outside sponsors, wants tv, wants happy vendors, etc. - the primary focus for the future (outside pleasing "me the player"
), should be to improve vastly on venue placement (metropolitan area venues) and local advertising.