No word from Tom Cole Yet?
Tom texted me day before yesterday, he's chasing down venues for the coming year for the NXL and will be sorting things out when he gets back home.
I'm gonna help him by identifying prospective promoters if the present one doesn't pan out.
Hopefully, Tommy's first choice will come good and I won't have to do a thing.
Tom will ultimately be taking the decision as to who's taking over but in the meantime if anyone has the appropriate experience and fancies the job, please let me know and I'll push it through to Tommy.
I don't mind doing the donkey work in pushing names forward but that's the
only involvement I'm prepared to do.
I think we can now safely assume that barnett will not be promoting, nor having anything to do with the UWL. He's committing fraud by taking money in the name of the UWL, it's not his to represent.
If you are thinking about sending barnett money, then don't, if you've already sent money to barnett, hard frikkin luck, you've lost it, you were warned many times.
There's a saying that goes something like, ' A fool and his money are easily separated' .... I think that's quite appropriate in the circumstances.
Any ways guys, that's the state of things as it stands now ..... I'll keep you updated as soon as I get more information.