Agreed that this thread has gone a little askew from the original topic, but I think the intention was to gauge reactions and potentially move forward from this. With that in mind, given how disjointed Facebook can be for creating conversation and discussion (friends only, groups etc), do you think people should be pro-actively trying to make a bit more of a 'buzz' on here, or is that futile?This thread seems to have generated a few tangents from the original question, i.e. do people care less about the major leagues than they used to?
In my opinion the answer to that original question is no. In fact, I think it might even have gone the other way, and more people actually show an interest now than ever before.
Mostly thanks to PBA and the great job they do with:
The MS webcast has also improved greatly as the season went on.
- the webcast (although I do think at times the commentary can be very formulaic, even dumbed down. I would like to see more detailed analysis of breakouts/moves and why a point evolved in a certain way)
- statistics
- and more recently the fantasy paintball.
Around the time of the major events, I think, there is more 'buzz' than ever before about the results and goings on. The problem I guess is that this place isn't seen as the place to come and chat about the goings on anymore, everything is much more fragmented with people just posting there opinions or scores on Facebook/Twitter etc. This isn't just a problem isolated to paintball though, the advent of social media has certainly seen a downturn in the number of people actively using forums in general.
Although PBA do a great job, there are so many other media outlets that people seem to keep missing: Social, PBlife, VFTD, PBNation etc. Do you mean that there's just too many other places to express an opinion that people are choosing to do so elsewhere?