Bluey, I think the point of the video is to firstly validate Jason's paintball CV by showing him in action, which it does to a certain extent.
I agree that it's not a clear cut promo vid but it kinda portrays paintball as it's being painted by the industry in that it's an extreme type sport. It also provides contact options which is of course important when it comes to offering services.
It also introduces people to the idea that seminars are available that include videos, talks and informational resources ..... To someone who's been playing the game as long as you have, it's not really aimed at you, or me; it's aimed at the aspirational youth of our sport and you know as well as I do B, people tend to jazz up whatever it is they are selling with an appropriate soundtrack and fast cut effects ... to the kids, they'd love it but for the old sods like me and you, I think we wouldn't really need to access it.
All in all, I think it's pretty cool for what it tries to do and so I'm at a loss to think of what you actually expected from a promo advertising vid ... it may not be our style but I think it functions within the remit of what young ballers respond to ... Jason's a good guy Bluey, the UK's second greatest player of all time: he's earned his stripes and he's spreading the gospel according to Wheeler; the kid's doing fine in my book.