Thats fair enough i wasnt completely saying what jason is doing wont work etcApologies for not interpreting your post correctly but even so, the position you adopt in not wishing to go outside of your own company for guidance is somewhat self-limiting. I agree that I still have stuff to learn, and in the same breath I'm sure Jason has but I can tell you one thing for sure, we both know a lot more than you.
Ollie Lang has been the world's best player for an awful long time, a distinction he undoutedly deserved but even he will admit he learned from other players .. the reason we don't hear about players who adopt your training strategy is because they've never made it to the top, or indeed, anywhere near it.
All of our best players have refernced others ...
It's misguided to assume, as an indivdual, you know best in terms of improving your game .. it's true to say, if you fail then you might learn but ... it's also true to say, it's much easier and also more helpful to seek those who know more than you for guidance.
There's only so much that can be learned through trial and error [teaching yourself], if you wish to go to the next level then you need direction not isolationism.
Good luck anyway ...
I support what he's doing, i just personally find it a tad expensive where SOME information or help can be found for free