Dusty I have to agree with you there is a massive decline in numbers of players, and fewer tournies, but the quality line with in the UK seems to be improving... I say seems to be because it is the Mills (Starting this weekend) where we find out how well as a nation we are moving our game forward. I personally think we have the right amount of tournies in the country. What would be great to see at the end of each season is for the top two teams in each tourney to play against each other. OK so if you are a Div 2 Ultra Lite team and you are drawn against Disruption you are going to learn fast. At the same time Disruption (and other teams) get to see the potential in teams at a lower level.
We (DV8) trained yesterday against Laysick VIP, The Firm 1 & 2 and have to admit the friendliness and banter is still there, but if anything the honesty and the integrity of the players (around all tournies) is improving. You are seeing less wiping and more good sportsmanship.
To me if we stay at a sustainable level and we can continue to teach new players how to play fairly and honestly then we are improving paintball. OK so it is not marketable on TV, at present I don't think paintball will ever be marketable, you can't convey the adrenaline rush, the awareness that is needed, the speed and agility, not unless a big TV firm took it as a serious venture.
Currently I think we need to ride this financial storm and continue to embrace new players and show them all the values we play by.