Had one now since May and used it most weekends, The engine is made up of 3 parts, guide, can and bolt. Supplied with the gun is a pot of monkey poo lube which works great but i have since found hater marmalade to be better and stays in place longer than the monkey poo. I lube the bolt every 8000 shots or so for piece of mind. I have never had a leak or 0 ring fail in 21k of shots. I have had no breach breaks at all and have been useing hellfire, evil, marb and prohd all through the summer.
In regards to the reg all i have done is lubed it once since new.
If your interested i can take a few pics of the bolt?
I too havent seen the manual online, but it does come with a printed instruction book (which the creed doesnt) and a CD manual.