Yeah! Let's make them homeless! That'll make them less aggressive... Wait...
Anybody else see the inherent lobsided justice in this? So if you are a looter and live in a rented council house, you get punished more than one that lives in a house that's bought... Right.
Jay, the problem is that all reasonable discussion has gone and now it's all about getting even.
Unsurprisingly this has been fuelled by the press and any discussions regarding underlying issues that may have contibuted to this are dismissed as liberal rhetoric.
The thought that this could have started as organised crime or been promoted by our 'must have' society doesn't really hit the radar. Anybody indicating the growth in gang culture is hung out to dry.
Your spot on with your observation in that those with least seem to be getting punished the most. The surprising thing for me is the number of so called role models who have indulged in this moment of madness - doctors, teachers, olympic athletes, soldiers etc.