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Bubble cop


AAAHHHHh thats a war cry!
Feb 20, 2011
Assault with Bubbles, I think id frame that and stick it on my wall if i was arrested for that. Next thing you know bubbles and feathers will be on the most dangerous weapons list!


Save a rock, throw an Ion
Nov 13, 2010
It's basically a classic case of the old saying, "play with fire, you're going to get burnt".
It doesn't particularly matter what the offence is, if a policeman clearly states what he'll do to you if you continue to do something, and you continue to do it (albeit during a 2 second clip of 'Moments Later'), he'll follow it through!

Although i think the policeman was just pissed he had to wear those short-shorts seen at 1:53 :p


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
i think he was being a c*ck tbh, wouldnt hurt to say please or be nice...
Why should he have to be polite? He's there to keep the peace, a peace that would be kept if people like her weren't there causing trouble. She's part of the problem that he has to solve (at the taxpayers dollar) Take her away, there would be no problem, no need for any of it. He was firm, strict whatever, but not disrespectful. As I already said, if people have to fall back on "Well, you were rude" then they've lost the argument.

Assault with Bubbles, I think id frame that and stick it on my wall if i was arrested for that. Next thing you know bubbles and feathers will be on the most dangerous weapons list!
Yeah, imagine if someone came to your place of work and started doing that in your face, would you not get annoyed and tell them like it is. He said his piece, she put them away. In the meantime she could have done anything, petrol bombs etc.... We dunno why she was arrested.


Team GBH
May 27, 2007
England, kent
Hmmmm I do think he over-reacted a little but then you don't see what happened before the start of the video and she was obviously baiting him. He gave her a chance to stop but it seems that she continued (or so we are lead to believe).


Dec 3, 2010
High Wycombe
Looked like a riot or gathering to me, and in that situation you have to have a no tolerance policy. Doesn't matter if they spit or blow a bubble, the intention is the same: provocation. The cop clearly stated multiple times "Carry on blowing bubbles, and you'll be taken into custody", if you then decide to put your hand in the lions mouth after you get that warning, then you don't really have a leg to stand on, do you?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Hmmmm I do think he over-reacted a little but then you don't see what happened before the start of the video and she was obviously baiting him. He gave her a chance to stop but it seems that she continued (or so we are lead to believe).
I think neither was right, although the girl was more of a douche than the cop.
The cop seemed bothered by something from before the video started. Obviously, since this video was meant to influence opinions to be against the officer, they don't show what happened.
But the whole non verbal communication of the cop, just spend some time looking at his face and neck, says that if the camera hadn't been in his face, the girl would have been blowing bubbles out of her ass. Basically, he's using his command presence wrongly.

The girl on the other hand is the epitome of doucheness. And the simple fact that the "director" (I'm using the term lightly) of the film used the moments later plot twist twice is a clear indicator that the real reason she was carted off is not shown. I'm willing to bet that the older guy, the one who throws in the oh so predictable it's my tax money argument, made her feel like she was supported in what she was doing, which caused here to have a rather flippant attitude.

Me, I'm a revolutionary to the core. But these sort of clowns act like they are socially involved, but in all fairness, all most of them want is to not pay rent, get water and electricity for free (God knows why, most of them don't shower...) and generally just f*ck sh*t up for those who are socially aware and involved. I'm happy to say I've been involved in removing such people from the buildings they've been squatting in a few times in the past.