Hiya I'm back
Sorry Bolter I put the pics up earlier so you could see how they look in real life not just studio pics. Anyway the lads have had them out there all day and they loved them, they found them much lighter than previous Angels, we already knew they were going to be good on air and it showed today. They commented that there was very little kick or movement when fired which helped with accuracy which was said to be awesome.
Overall they loved them.
Well thats the view of a bunch of players that use Angels so it could be biased. Let us hear what you think, on Saturday 12th March at the CPPS we will have 2 brand new Angel AR-K's and 2 brand new Angel Fly Sb's, come and find us and you can take one on the field on a 2 v 2 and see what you think. I know by some of the post's already that some of you have already made your mind's up but come and try them out, you may be surprised. All you need to do is use your own paint.