I think y'all will actually like the lack of a rotor breech.
There have been a ton of adjustments made over the years to improve the gun, inc the Ram, bolt and exhaust valve. These changes had a small effect on performance at the time. Without the rotor breech these changes are amplified, and the performance is fully realised. This is why they suddenly get 2000+ shots from a fill, and also why the gun will shoot shockingly fragile paint without chopping.
I think this will be the best Angel so far, simply because the rotor-breech actually held the gun back from it's optimum performance for so long.
Of course I wish that there was something drastically different in the styling, as I'm sure everyone else does, however, I think that the Angel fan-boys moved on to become Ego fan-boys long ago. This gun is for players that appreciate the performance offered, which I honestly think is exceptional, rather than the players who want the latest and shiniest gat.