What is it about TV making people go all starry-eyed and gooey?
Is it because players feel it finally validates their chosen sport in some way?
What's going on please guys???
If we are honest then yes that does have an element to it, the chance for thousands of people to watch you play the sport you love would be amazing. There are other factors from what i can see also, one of them is exposing our sport to the world. at the moment we are a small sub-culture, in a sea of sub-cultures. Places like TV which are embedded in the mainstream can lift us out of that sea. the basic factors are, everyone thinks paintball is running around in the woods, and that it is hard for people to find this sub-culture of ours which means development is slower. TV can help in both those aspects , allowing our own identity to be established and recruit new players to our sport.
If people can sit there and watch cricket or golf im sure paintball will keep them entertained.
When was paintball last on TV? (an i mean as a sport, not a feature on a programme) the current style and glammour of paintball may attract the viewers.
Yes im being niave and yes i could be over optimistic but id rather live my life this way, and hope for better days, im not saying lets throw everything we have at getting paintball on TV, we should concentrate on developing our domestic scene, but if it goes on TV what harm could there be? everyone here wants to see paintball go as big as it can go, and TV is a natural part of that expansion.