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2000+ years old


Plastered By Splatmaster
May 3, 2010
Then in the current times humans generally see through the rubbish of religion and we are going back to fighting over natural resources and land.
And the Bible was devised to stop the fighting between humans over natural resources and land not a distraction from the truth, and to surpress any man's feelings of greed,


previously Tomtimus Prime
Aug 9, 2010
That is a common misconception about the teachings of the bible, Adam and Eve were only a metaphor, it was a story used by Jesus to show how sin was devised by adam eating the fruit of the tree (greed) which was condemned by God, as the snake (representing the devil) told adam how fantastic the fruit would be, and because of this action Adam and Eve's eyes were opened to what was arround them and realised that they were Naked, this is called Original Sin
...Also a wicked film where Angilna Jolie gets her lovely bits out.

Anyway, back on topic.. I think that’s been the main problem with people reading Bible - metaphorical stories being interpreted as truth word for word. Hence that mental family in America, who protest at dead soldiers funerals.


And the Bible was devised to stop the fighting between humans over natural resources and land not a distraction from the truth, and to surpress any man's feelings of greed,
Ah yes ,the old make everyone believe what we do and the wars will cease and if they don't believe what we do and won't change then kill them all untill the only people who are left believe as we do.

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
Before the crock o ****e called the bible was penned humans mainly fought over land and natural resources.

Then someone made up a set of rules they thought others should live by and called it the bible,humans then started fighting over who's God was best

Then in the current times humans generally see through the rubbish of religion and we are going back to fighting over natural resources and land.

Any if anyone believes we are all desendants of Adam and Eve:rolleyes:
Personally I could survive without the bible.....my coffee table would have been wobbling for years if it wasn't for it.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
That is a common misconception about the teachings of the bible, Adam and Eve were only a metaphor, it was a story used by Jesus to show how sin was devised by adam eating the fruit of the tree (greed) which was condemned by God, as the snake (representing the devil) told adam how fantastic the fruit would be, and because of this action Adam and Eve's eyes were opened to what was arround them and realised that they were Naked, this is called Original Sin
So God had to send His son to be sacrificed to save us from a sin which He originally condemned us to...
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previously Tomtimus Prime
Aug 9, 2010
Haha if I were you, I wouldn’t start picking out the contradictions in the Bible, you'll be here for a long, loooong time..


SPS - First 9
Mar 27, 2009
East London
What sins could we have committed 2000 years ago to warrent "the son of god" to die for that we're not still commiting now but on a larger scale? Shorely the earth should have felt the rath of god by now?
I'm not a member of the god squad...........but with the rising number of 'natural disasters' (Floods, Forest Fires, Tsunami's, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Storms etc...) you could say that Rath has begun........if you look at it from a God Squad point of view.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot

As much as many bad things have been caused by it, imagine the chaos if people knew there was no afterlife, no higher consequence.... nobody really watching. Societies would tear themselves apart.
No they wouldn't. Societies existed loooooooong before the Bible and long before the invention of punishment in the hereafter. And guess what, these societies functioned.
People aren't afraid of consequences in the afterlife, people fear the consequences that society will come up with.