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Naked fun time
Oct 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
Can't i pay with paypal?

As i don't like entering my card details into random sites

Not a random site. Maybe something you have not used before but not random.

There is an option for players coming from euro to pay by paypal so perhaps that can be used. Give them a wee call / email im sure you will be sorted. Really helpful bunch.


Can't i pay with paypal?

As i don't like entering my card details into random sites
It's not really a random site mate, over 3,500 paintball players will buy tickets for an organised paintball event this year via CK - more than any other UK event organiser.

If its easier, you can call the office on 01970 626618 and I'll process your purchase manually, but ultimately it's all going into the same computer so whether you do it or I do it amounts to the same thing.


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
It's not really a random site mate, over 3,500 paintball players will buy tickets for an organised paintball event this year via CK - more than any other UK event organiser.

If its easier, you can call the office on 01970 626618 and I'll process your purchase manually, but ultimately it's all going into the same computer so whether you do it or I do it amounts to the same thing.
The reason i say random site was because i've never used it before. Not because it's dodge or anything.


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
If people are camping

Water is available (not suitable for drinking)
There are toilets (i would bring your own paper just incase)
No Showers

Poundland have 14L water carriers that i would fill up at home before coming.

I've just bought a full electric camping shower setup so i'm sorted :D


New Member
Mar 5, 2010
Both sides are almost perfectly even at the moment with GSS two players ahead of the IMB as we stand.

The Triads and MI6 are by far the biggest factions at this time, both have over three times the numbers of the other factions.

USB's will start to be posted out next week guys!

Standby your beds.