there are only really three options for a hopper !
Plastic, carbon fibre and aluminium, tho magnesium would work well if you could afford it, but it has loads of faults going against it.
Carbon fibre would be a superb choice but in practice the cost of manufacture would outprice the hopper, it superbly light and strong but does not like to be made into tight bends, it also needs to be baked at extreme heat and pressure in a costly to produce mould. so thats out.
Aluminium is the next choice but only if it was pressed and not machined or forged, again the tooling costs are prohibative.
Which leaves us with good old fashioned plastic, this is a superb medium for a hopper but needs to be the right type and moulded in the right way to be strong and light and production costs are cheap so thats good for the manufacturers to make vast profits.