my oinion
i started reading the first 2 pages but the post got too damn big and i couldnt be bothered to read them,so if my post is outdated then ignore it.
i can understand your point about tourny players haveing the same tactics,its because they are used to set tactics much in the same way american foorballer's have set tactics,but they are tactics,whether or not you can see what they are trying to do doesnt mean there not doing anything,in my experience of paintball wood and sup air are 2 completly different types of play,so i can understand that torny players are a bit rusty in the field of wood,however i somehow dought you have played a proper pro player,as i see it from your posts before it looks to me like these pro players are people that have bought a bunch of kit for christmas and say they are kickass players ie (pro) unfortunatly you get people like this in paintball,however most of these types fade out when they relise they get wooped by people like u (hense you beating them)if you were to look at real paintball at torny's you will see how acurate quick skillful "real pros" actually are,paintball is an art and takes a while to master and its people like the ones you mention that bring pro players down,if you understand what i mean.
if you really belive that you are better than pros and have genually beaten proper pros no people witht here own kit,then i strongly urge you to join a team when you leave the army,and mabey you are a natural talent at paintball,however i would try and loss the atitude with paintball players
i started reading the first 2 pages but the post got too damn big and i couldnt be bothered to read them,so if my post is outdated then ignore it.
i can understand your point about tourny players haveing the same tactics,its because they are used to set tactics much in the same way american foorballer's have set tactics,but they are tactics,whether or not you can see what they are trying to do doesnt mean there not doing anything,in my experience of paintball wood and sup air are 2 completly different types of play,so i can understand that torny players are a bit rusty in the field of wood,however i somehow dought you have played a proper pro player,as i see it from your posts before it looks to me like these pro players are people that have bought a bunch of kit for christmas and say they are kickass players ie (pro) unfortunatly you get people like this in paintball,however most of these types fade out when they relise they get wooped by people like u (hense you beating them)if you were to look at real paintball at torny's you will see how acurate quick skillful "real pros" actually are,paintball is an art and takes a while to master and its people like the ones you mention that bring pro players down,if you understand what i mean.
if you really belive that you are better than pros and have genually beaten proper pros no people witht here own kit,then i strongly urge you to join a team when you leave the army,and mabey you are a natural talent at paintball,however i would try and loss the atitude with paintball players