I wonder if you guys have cable in your houses, and if you do you should turn to USA around 9pm to watch combat missions, and then get on here and tell me paintball and Army are diffrent.
First point I don't live in the USA and can't see USA at 9pm but it seems like you are trying to equate paintball with the army cause they both use "guns" and what you learned in training would beat up a "pro" paint team.
You own by the sounds of it a lot of good kit (which as pointed out throws holes in your earlier argument) which means you should know the difference between going out on the paintball field and going out onto a battle field.
you know the way a speedball field is set up would just be another dry run for us, go in kill what is around and get out, without any casualties, wow kinda like speedball.
From this you sound like a gun-ho idiot (again the i don't know you from adam argument applies)
I what way is trying to eliminate a team to get points to win £££ like trying to get into a building rescue the hostage and get out without being killed and if possible take out the terrorists? You seem to be taking the arguments about militart tactics and paintball tactics personally and from what you say belive they are the same. Well the way this argument has grown the only real way to find out if what anyone here is saying is true is to have your match up with a 5,7,10 man pro team. (I'll marshall)
The more people you loose the more points you loose
Yes but they will with out a doubt be at the next tourney trying to win again and not dead.
rangers treat it like it is live fire coming at them, now i dont know what would prevent you from sticking out a shoulder to far, the thought of a real bullet coming at you or the thought of a paintball coming at you.
Fine treat it like live fire, but in either case war has casualties and people do get hit. And yes i'm sure if it was real bullets I would take less chances but it is a game/sport/fun not war.
I get shot out in a game I will be back for the next with (maybe a bruise)and more determination to improve on my mistakes and make me a better player. I get shot in war and there is no guarentee that I am coming home in anything but a body bag. (depends on where you are hit.
On your argument of "they are both live fire" fine the back players will keep your heads down and the front players can just walk up to eliminate you.
Yes i would like to see a Ranger Battalion go against a 5 man pro team, i would bet all my money on the ranger battalion. Just think about it, Rangers are tought strategy in sticky situations a lot stickier than any speedball game is going to get, thus will keep the ranger more in controle.
I think we would all now like to see this match up.
Its a dangerous game to bet all your money!!!!
Yea Ranges get in sticky situations and I don't think any one wants to belittle your experiences as one day they may have to save our lives in a real war situation. BUT paintball does not really hand you (what you are deffining as a sticky situation) as a sticky situatuion. Thats why its a sport with marshalls and safe zones. I don't see why it would keep your more in control on a paintball field

what control are you talking about?
A pro team control their game on a paintball field!!! They are not trying to be army guys, thats your job. And I kow lots of paintballers who were in the army before playing and they say that the game is nothing like the army.
I am glad you have job satisfaction in the rangers, but others have job satisfaction in paintball and they are quite content to let you get on with your job and they can get on with theirs. You want a match I think you got one. And one i wanna see.
(as for the best in army guys and the rangers being the best, I have three letters for you.......SBS)