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Xbox vs ps3


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
well the xbox needed a hd dvd drive addon to play hd dvds but they dont even make them anymore.

at least with the ps3 you get the best blu ray dvd player money can buy


cos its the only blu ray player that get software upgrades so you get all the new features
well firstly, you said its HD ready unless you get the elite, but now you are referring to the ability to play a HD disc format? lol..well the elite never could do that either without the seperate drive....

but that aside:
are we wanting a games console or a movie player?
both consoles will deliver their content in HD (ie, the games...without the need for upgrades - bar a £5 HDMI cable perhaps depending how you want to connect to your TV).

For what its worth, their will be a Bluray device along for the 360 in the future, but personally I beleive unless you have a 1080p 40'' + TV its not worth it.


Not in the face!
Apr 8, 2008
West Country

My Son reckons the Xbox to be the better experience.
You will suffer RROD at some point though.
His is away as we speak. Microsoft now fix them for up to 3 years from purchase
but you will have to do without it for 2 weeks of each year.
After the 3 years are up, you can download a fix it yourself manual.

If you have access to a blowline @ about 100psi, blow all the dust out through the vent ports every 3 months or so, that helps. Don't use your 4.5k bottle :p


Platinum Member
Dec 2, 2008
actually the 360 doesnt do 1080p/i and to do 720 requires a new cable like the ps3 but costs much more than a hdmi cable.

and sony are releasing a long overdue update to the uses to the media center and online use of the ps3

and i also have both and always buy games that are available for both on the ps3 as its much better

but as you say u dont notice any difference unless u play on a 40" hd tv


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
actually the 360 doesnt do 1080p/i and to do 720 requires a new cable like the ps3 but costs much more than a hdmi cable.

and sony are releasing a long overdue update to the uses to the media center and online use of the ps3

and i also have both and always buy games that are available for both on the ps3 as its much better

but as you say u dont notice any difference unless u play on a 40" hd tv
Incorrect about the 1080 thing completely. With the arcade and pro model you get composite cables that will do 720p, but both console have HDMI. ergo, buy a £5 cable and you have 1080i/p available. The elite comes with both compenent and a HDMI leads. get facts straight mate.

The fact is for many many multiformat games the PS3 experience is poorer, I could list many games that I know this to be true of, but at the end of the day you arent going to listen. However, the fact is the PS3 is harder to program games for, therefore the multiformat titles are easier to develop on the PC and Xbox, and hence run/look better.

the only way I can possible see a multiformat advantage on the PS3 is for instance call of duty where its free to play online,. but again I think the functionality of xbox live is better.

Every multiformat game Ive played on both consoles was noticeably better on the Xbox, the PS3 versions in some cases ran like a shabby port such as Rainbow 6 Vegas and Skate.


Attitude Pr*blem
Nov 28, 2008
Can i just say its all what you want if u have had the Ps2 then ur most likey to carry on and get the ps3 if u have had the xbox then ur probs going to get the 360.i who really cares that the Ps3 has blueray and that the xbox has a better online all i can say is ive got a 360 and ive played a ps3 and i like the 360 better yes the blueray is good but i dont watch dvds so that dosent help me and alot of my friends say that the xbox is better online and has the more games but they like there ps3 witch is okay.


U sure got'a purdy mouth
May 25, 2003
Somewhere but no one cares
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360 vs PS3

i have both of the above (and a Wii)(i had the original xbox PS1 and a PS2) and i woud say i play the PS3 more my 9 year old plays the 360 way too much and he wants a PS3 in his room!!

one thing i will say is i have the a couple of games on both consoles and the PS3 tends to have more graphic's detail,
ie on battlefield bad company i can snipe from behind a certain bush in the distance but on the 360 the bloody bush aint there and the ones that are there dont seem to be as dense as the ones found on the PS3.
same with asassins creed.

the browser is ok on the PS3 but why would you wanna surf on a console anyway!!

and if you are looking for a multimedia center for your living room the PS3 wipes the floor over the 360, ever so much more now that play tv is out!! i have one box running in to my tv now(PS3,bloody big box it is though) and it covers me for everything i need, watching DVD's,Bluerays,playing games,listening to music,looking at pic/vids streamed from pc/laptop and now i can watch and record tv!!

oh and the fact that to play online (the only way you should play) with the PS3 is free is a big selling point (but i do pay the £40 a year to microsoft)and when you buy something from the playstation store you use real money not bloody points either!

my two pennies proberly worthless drivel but i dont care buy both and a Wii then the problem is solved!


U sure got'a purdy mouth
May 25, 2003
Somewhere but no one cares
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The fact is for many many multiformat games the PS3 experience is poorer, I could list many games that I know this to be true of, but at the end of the day you arent going to listen. However, the fact is the PS3 is harder to program games for, therefore the multiformat titles are easier to develop on the PC and Xbox, and hence run/look better.

the only way I can possible see a multiformat advantage on the PS3 is for instance call of duty where its free to play online,. but again I think the functionality of xbox live is better.

Every multiformat game Ive played on both consoles was noticeably better on the Xbox, the PS3 versions in some cases ran like a shabby port such as Rainbow 6 Vegas and Skate.
would disagree with you i have had no run issues with any of my PS3 games and i have said that PS3 versions look better, and the Playstation store/network is far easier and better than the marketplace on the 360


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
360 games upscale from whatever format they are made in up to the max your tv can cope with. PS3 games play in the format they are made. This sometimes leads to better results than others. If your 360 game can be played in 480, and upscales to 1080p, it's not going to look as good as game made in 720 playing at 720. This is one of the problems they had/are having with the release of ResEvil5, they are trying to develop it in 1080p. All of this was told to me by a Sony sales rep.

Regardless of all this, I'd say the Xbox is the better choice. But is anybody wondering why Xboxs where so cheap this Christmas? Credit crunch, christmas sales, or possibly a new console on the horizon?


Free Agent
Sep 26, 2006
I started writing a long reply but then realised that I barely cared 18months ago about this argument and dont care at all anymore.

So I'm not really gonna get involved but...

would disagree with you i have had no run issues with any of my PS3 games and i have said that PS3 versions look better, and the Playstation store/network is far easier and better than the marketplace on the 360
never has a sony fanboy lied so blatantly

If you're a movie buff that has a hdtv then a ps3 is good value and would make sense, if you're a serious gamer looking for a good onloine experience get a 360 (i alway recommend the 60gb machine). If you're looking for a fun family console get a Wii.