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Xbox one V PS4 opinions please!


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2012
If you are thinking of buying a console wait until the new OS and Direct X12 come to Xbox One, it could be a game changer. I only bought one because of Halo and other exclusives as I had the 360. But the PS4 has great games too and is 4K ready and does 1080p which the One does not, but unless you have a 4K TV and the games of the future feature it (unlikely) then its redundant. Xbox One is also cheaper and has TV, although the Kinect is a complete pile of **** unless you really want the voice commands.


Rockin VIP Cocker, So-Manc E1, LV1
Apr 19, 2014
Near Stockport
Xbone will be mine by christmas as i want to carry on playing World Of Tanks.

But if they say Armoured Warfare will be on Playstation by december then will get that for that.



Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
But the PS4 . . . is 4K ready and does 1080p which the One does not.
This is complete and utter poppycock, both consoles are capable of outputting a 4k image although neither could render any modern game at that resolution.

Although the PS4 is a bit more powerful, the Xbox One can also render games at 1080p and there are many games on the XBO that do so. Examples of this are all 3 Forza games released so far, Halo Master Chief Collection and Gears of War Ultimate edition. Many other games use dynamic resolution scaling to maintain consistent frame rates. Unless you're pouring over single screenshots and technical articles I challenge anyone to be able to spot when this type of scaling is happening during active gameplay.

It's the very nature of console development that you have to manage the hardware resources appropriately to get the performance you want for your title. DirectX 12 will help improve things on XBO but will not be a magic bullet, rather we'll see a gradual slight improvement in performance over time, much like the life cycle of every console as devs manage to squeeze the best out of the hardware.
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Oct 6, 2011
Side note .....rainbow six siege beta code for ps4
Here foc if anyone wants


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2012
This is complete and utter poppycock, both consoles are capable of outputting a 4k image although neither could render any modern game at that resolution.

Although the PS4 is a bit more powerful, the Xbox One can also render games at 1080p and there are many games on the XBO that do so. Examples of this are all 3 Forza games released so far, Halo Master Chief Collection and Gears of War Ultimate edition. Many other games use dynamic resolution scaling to maintain consistent frame rates. Unless you're pouring over single screenshots and technical articles I challenge anyone to be able to spot when this type of scaling is happening during active gameplay.

It's the very nature of console development that you have to manage the hardware resources appropriately to get the performance you want for your title. DirectX 12 will help improve things on XBO but will not be a magic bullet, rather we'll see a gradual slight improvement in performance over time, much like the life cycle of every console as devs manage to squeeze the best out of the hardware.
xbox one can not output 4k at all, maybe 1080p and yea you are right its a progression by devs over time, but honest advice no one can argue with, if you really want the best buy a decent pc like me. 90fps on rainbow six beta, which I have codes for for Xbox One and PC if anyone wants one.


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
I did PC gaming for years, but now I spend all day at work sitting at a PC and have no interest in doing the same during my leisure time. Had a crack at specing out a gaming grade HTPC for the living room but the cost and hassle went beyond what I was willing to suffer through.

Graphics is not the be-all end-all, the console gaming experience is preferable to many people and of course there will always be content that will never reach the PC.