2ND hand they are an decent buy, I wouldn't of paid over £400 for a new one no chance, would be much happier with a TM7, granted you need a good hopper for one of them but it's such a good marker for the Milslim games.Eclipse reliability is a myth.
This is nonsense. The phenom is heavy yes but only in relation to a tournament marker whereas the poster is looking for a scenario/tactical marker. Bang for buck the phenom is very good and so is the cyclone provided you choose medium grade paint that isnt too brittle. If your phenom only shot that few pods I'm afraid it was broken fella. If your flexvalve leaks you send it to bz or tippmann and tippmann replace the ENTIRE VALVE FOR FREE! That said my personal choice for best woodsball tactical marker is the sp1/g1. Still very very good value for what you get.
PS. My main gun at the moment is a mini until our sponsor guns come through so I can recommend one of those too but it doesnt fit your desires.
My Cyclone feed chopped even the cheapest, paint, Sterling Shield, it's a hard paint to break and it turn the feed into a blended mess sometimes, even with the " Squishy" Paddles ( waste of time Imo )
As for sending it to BZ............... If BZ actually answered their emails and were helpful over the phone it would be awesome, Tippmann in Belgium were good to talk to but the courier wouldn't carry the marker ( Parcel Farce ), in the end I took it to lips who sent it to Tippmann.
What you getting from your Sponsor? Mini I think is pretty damn Epic, hard to beat unless you spend a lot of money.