If that's the same Bowen what used to come to Pompey Uni*, I shall warn my bud Tom all about him!
Wow, isn't Pompey Uni turning into a little hotbed of paintball (Charlie Reed came here once fact fans, many moons ago).
Well, I suppose statistics say that out of 1 million useless lumps you get a couple of decent players
*I dare say it is the same Bowan, not many peeps around the south of England with that name who play 'ball.
Wow, isn't Pompey Uni turning into a little hotbed of paintball (Charlie Reed came here once fact fans, many moons ago).
Well, I suppose statistics say that out of 1 million useless lumps you get a couple of decent players
*I dare say it is the same Bowan, not many peeps around the south of England with that name who play 'ball.