It's cos I'm an old cynic, and I've seen and heard these things for the last fifteen years. Format meddling.... it don't do out for me other than complicate a simple game.
Kieran, I can't even be arsed to read the whole blurb. I know some of the others on the mag think it's great, and that's all that matters, cos they have to justify it, not me. I just know that if I've had my arse kicked by the same team ten times in ten minutes, I'm going to start a fight. I wont win the fight, but I'll start it.
Either you can point at me in years to come and say 'there's the nob who thought xball wouldn't work' (in fact, I think you did that in an earlier thread), or it'll have one or two run outs and disappear.
Regards pounds shilling and pence, well I think Nick capped it off a few posts ago.
Idealists in paintball huh? Who needs em?