Anyone got a warp feed and th emounting to attatch it to the marker?
phillips bite me May 21, 2006 167 0 0 As far away from you as possible May 29, 2006 #1 Anyone got a warp feed and th emounting to attatch it to the marker?
majic Member Jan 25, 2006 28 0 11 Nottingham Visit site May 29, 2006 #2 got warp feed no mount but all the rest out shoots a halo great fun what you after payin mate.
phillips bite me May 21, 2006 167 0 0 As far away from you as possible May 29, 2006 #3 ERMMMM to be honest I dont know how does 30 sound? im not really up on warp feed prices to be honest ill double check and get back to you. How would I mount it though?
ERMMMM to be honest I dont know how does 30 sound? im not really up on warp feed prices to be honest ill double check and get back to you. How would I mount it though?
extremelimo Active Member Apr 12, 2004 363 23 38 66 South Wales May 30, 2006 #4 warp Ive got the whole lot £30 + postage Simon Evil Saints
phillips bite me May 21, 2006 167 0 0 As far away from you as possible May 30, 2006 #5 Ill probably take it PM'd you.