thanks guy's, as i was jus about to send £500 to josh for an ego, air system and a hopper! but nit now.
05 ego, silver /blue fade
blue halo hopper
1.5l 5000psi air bottle wit a new empire bollte cover
what air system was it as last week lil josh , sent me a msg sayin he wanted to sell it all to me.
that was a close call i think i nearly bought ur air bottle! if u want he finks im still gona make the transaction, but by means of meetin face to face, i cud see if it is ur bottle and jus take it off him and send it back to you or the cash as he dont deserve it. im willing to do it as it shud teach him a leeson for thieving off other people!
i can also get his full adress.
here's his addy; josh fuller <>