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worst band, artist or song in the world ever...(volume ll)


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
How can you say slipknot are good? I mean, "Custom Percussionist"? Dont you mean oil drum banger? For Christ's sake!! Nine people with not one iota of musical ability!!!
Just my opinion

Well... personal preference asside, S-C*** 7 arent just bad, they are a symbol of all that is wrong with society! I too hate pre-fab bands of any description.

I do have to say that I don't get metal, but "Boy club 5" (probably will exist in a year or so :eek: ) type bands make me want to projectile vomit and kill somebody at the same time!

As you can tell I hate that stuff, but I have to say that Black Lace so compete for worst thing ever recorded. Don't Forget "Lennod Nimmoy's: Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" Almost as bad as Shatner's "To Infinity and Beyond" :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Peace and Goodwill

Bah Humbug



Lord of the Ringtones
Linkin Park embodies a lot of what is wrong with today's music trends: psuedo heavy sounding overly simplified stuff mixed with boy band lyrics, every song written to be a hit single on MTV (who have dragged the world's tastes and IQ's down into the sewer). Slipknot and Marilyn Manson are the dark reincarnation of KISS: put on a thick costume to get attention, say something that vaguely makes sense and strikes a chord with people who have no musical background and even less desire or ability to seek out stuff on their own, and pile on the marketing. I could take a crap in the middle of a haunted house after eating nothing but a strict diet of coffee, prunes, and chili, screaming my head off about nothing with bats flying around my ass while banging aimlessly around on a guitar, record it, and sell it as one of the same genre. Then there's the Kid Rock (a name which he should be stripped of immediately in light of the fact that he is neither a kid nor has any element of rock) phenomenon with several similarly guilty parties involved: brag about your imaginary badass self while playing familiar (and thereby defiled) tracks in the background repeatedly while pretending the whole thing gets them women and anyone else should do likewise. Who asked them? Why if they're so badass do they have to spend so much energy in endless mindless rants to convince us, when if it were fact they wouldn't have to tell us?

How many of them sold their soul to Satan for record sales? What did we all do to deserve radio stations and our neighbors kids all going into the gutter? And dare I ask who the hell took over MTV to get this horrid trend rolling?
Wow getting a bit deeper!

Well well well this is all getting a bit deep, people are saying what the media sells them isn't any good, but just re-packeged nonsense that seemed to sell last time!

Perhaps this is why paintballers are such great people (myself included :p) But it appears that we think enough to realise that the music industry is run by a series of marketting ploys purely as an attempt to make money :eek:

Maybe that is obstructively cynical, but I don't see any evidence to the contrary.

Fight the system (without actually liking Rage Against The Machine)
