Pay no atention to him, Liz
Originally posted by Liz
All of a sudden Elsham in January with driving sleet & gale-force winds doesn't seem to bad at all!
He's actually mixing a couple of years together to make the horrors sound really horrible.

Those very large spiders are quite harmless, mostly and certainly not an issue anymore and neither are the snakes. Tho the first year at the cow pasture when they cut three woods fields out of the nearest stand of trees (the weekend before the event) there were alot of snakes on that first woods field but they weren't ALL poisonous but they did freak out alot of players, so much so the fields were closed. Just as well they played very poorly anyway.
As to the weather if Mark thought October was bad he ought to see what July and August are like.
Chip--when you fill out the paperwork for your transfer watch for the waiver form's extra small print. Sign that and you'll be promising to talk two of your elderly relatives into moving to Florida to make up for you and failing that they'll make you stay until you are 65. On the bright side the old folks don't do much but clutter up the roads and putter about their yards.
The really nasty part nobody warns you about is we're getting overrun with ex-pat Brits these days.

All they do is hang around the beach, the "authentic" pubs and gawk in the grocery stores at all the differnt things they can buy in one place for so little money. Really annoying.