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World of Warcraft: Cataclysm


Free Style Baby!
Mar 10, 2007
your hardly one to say something like that, anyways this is getting out of hand. il leave u to talking about your fictinal little world by yourself



Southern Pirates
Pretty much what Bon said.

Its a fun game, and I play it occasionally for just that reason.

WoW isn't the first MMORPG I've played, (that would be Star Wars Galaxies which was great pre-cu) and I've made a lot of friends from it. Many of these people have met up in meets around Europe. Some of them have gone on to develop romantic relationships. Several I know of have either gotten married or are intending to do so. My wife and I are some of them. And no these are not hideous troglodytes that must hide from society. Most of the girls I known online are very pretty. (And that is especially true regarding my wife)

MMORPG's are just a new way of interacting with people. It also doesn't leave you puking on your shoes and waking up with a hangover like going out to the pub does.

Yes there are some people who spend all their time on MMORPG's but then they are the sort of people who are probably prone to addictive behaviour anyway. You'll also get some more "colourful" characters as well. I've run online roleplays (board based) for about the last 10 years and we've had all manner of people. Mostly normal interesting people, but also a few people with bizarre interests, idea's, or mental peculiarities. Being online can also be an outlet for these people and allows them to come out of their shell more than being face to face.

But more importantly girls like this play ;)



Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
your hardly one to say something like that, anyways this is getting out of hand. il leave u to talking about your fictinal little world by yourself


No please, if your going to criticise something, back yourself up.

The point is, you can't. So perhaps instead of trying to post a moronic comment in a thread you have no interest in other to criticise you should keep your opinion to yourself.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Pretty much what Bon said.

Its a fun game, and I play it occasionally for just that reason.

WoW isn't the first MMORPG I've played, (that would be Star Wars Galaxies which was great pre-cu) and I've made a lot of friends from it. Many of these people have met up in meets around Europe. Some of them have gone on to develop romantic relationships. Several I know of have either gotten married or are intending to do so. My wife and I are some of them. And no these are not hideous troglodytes that must hide from society. Most of the girls I known online are very pretty. (And that is especially true regarding my wife)

MMORPG's are just a new way of interacting with people. It also doesn't leave you puking on your shoes and waking up with a hangover like going out to the pub does.

Yes there are some people who spend all their time on MMORPG's but then they are the sort of people who are probably prone to addictive behaviour anyway. You'll also get some more "colourful" characters as well. I've run online roleplays (board based) for about the last 10 years and we've had all manner of people. Mostly normal interesting people, but also a few people with bizarre interests, idea's, or mental peculiarities. Being online can also be an outlet for these people and allows them to come out of their shell more than being face to face.

But more importantly girls like this play ;)

More often than not your find the girls are attractive, but shy, which is the reason many play it int he first place as it is a level of protection, they can interact with others from the safety of their house.

I know this because in my guildmeeting last year at BWWI one of the girls in the guild who turned up before she joined with us was very very socially anxious, when we met up it was the first time she had been away from her parents on holiday in her life. And with the guild we attended an event with over 10,000 people at it, not bad eh?

Not to mention she was so very very hot :D


Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2008
The world is full of different people, everyone enjoys to pass time in different ways and that should be respected.

unless of course you play runescape you deserve the piss ripped out of you ;)


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
The world is full of different people, everyone enjoys to pass time in different ways and that should be respected.

unless of course you play runescape you deserve the piss ripped out of you ;)

Now that you mention it............

But this was before WoW was out :eek:


Attitude Pr*blem
Nov 28, 2008
Wow that took me ages to read up on wow you guys are like crazy :D but yeh its a great game and fun to play. and i also did the runescape thing but then wow came out and well it was a step up in my books :D
