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Wii Super Smash Bros Brawl..Friend codes and game on


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
samus is just annoying, you have to be constantly wary of getting shot by a massive energy ball. My old room mate used to always use her, to say it got annoying would be an understatement. I think Wolf's alright actually, not a fan of fox or falco though.
Gannondorf is great fun to use, just so strong.
samus sucks balls!!! zero suit is alright though, the starfox crew are alright too only because of that gay special move.
iv forgiven you now, Ike and Link are good. I like using Zero Suit Samus, but I always forget her special turns her into normal Samus, who I hate.
*cough* Geeks *cough* :p:):D
