IMO Nintendo ain't gonna do that. They're too dumb... Friend codes, wink wink.No you have misunderstood what I was trying too say, Whether or not it helps get people fit is neither here nor there ,The fact that Nintendo can put a box in every living room that people will use to get exercise ,have fun ,order shopping and socialize through is the big picture and the thinking behind products like the Wii fit, to have a Wii looked on as a product that will keep you healthy is feking huge in my eyes and it's one step closer to using the Wii to help you get dressed and decide what you should be eating and what products to buy, you see where im going with this ? (ramblingly I admit) ...is ramblingly a word...ill ask my Wii.
Plus ...The more you use your Wii for the more Nintendo make large amounts of money and the more Mario gives you big "isn't it a cuddly world" messages..Turn on ,tune in and drop out..of society.
Sounds a bit conspiracy theory but the companies themselves have said as much, take a look at Microsoft and the release of the X-box.
Global corporate big Japanese brother ...issa me Mario!
And I have a Wii.